This is a complete guide to learn datatype, format specifiers, escape sequence  in c programming. Part-2

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An operators is a symbol used to perform oprations in given programming language.

Types of Operators:

01)Arithmetic operators

02)Relational operators

03)Logical operators

04)Bitwise operators

05)Assignment operators

`Rightarrow` Explains All Operators

01)Arithmetic operators

Operators Description Examples
+ Addition 3 + 4 = 7
- Substration 3 - 3 = 0
* Multiplication 3 * 5 = 15
/ Division 15 / 3 = 3
% Modulus 8 % 2 (Reminder) = 2

#include <stdio.h>
 int main()

     int a,b;
     a = 34;
     b = 6;
     printf("a + b = %d\n", a+b);
     printf("a - b = %d\n", a-b);
     printf("a * b = %d\n", a*b);
     printf("a / b = %d\n", a/b);
     printf("a % b = %d\n", a%b);

If value float then answer is float then use %f

Here the output is:

a + b = 40

a - b = 28

a * b = 204

a / b = 5

a b = 4

02)Relational operators

Operators Description Examples Results
= = Is equal to 5 == 2 False
!= Is not equal to 5 != 2 True
> Greater than 5 > 2 True
< Less than 5 < 2 False
>= Greator than or equal to 5 >= 2 True
<= Less than or equal to 5 <= 2 False

#include <stdio.h>
  int main()

     int a,b;
     a = 34;
     b = 34;
     printf("a + b = %d\n", a==b);
     printf("a - b = %d\n", a-b);
     printf("a * b = %d\n", a*b);
     printf("a / b = %d\n", a/b);

Here the output is:

a + b = 1

a - b = 0

a * b = 1156

a / b = 1

03) Logical operators

Operators Description Examples Results
(&&) It returns true when both operators are true or 1 (5<2&&5>3) False
|| It returns true when either operator is true or 1. (5<2||5>3) True
! It is used to reverse the logical state of the operand. !(5<2)True

#include <stdio.h>
  int main()

     int a,b;
     a = 1;
     b = 0;
     printf("a or b = %d\n", a&&b);
    printf("a or b = %d\n", a||b);

Here the output is:

a or b = 0

a or b = 1

04)Bitwise operators

To perform bit level operations, bitwise operators are used. They convert the values we provide to them in binary format.

a b a & b a | b a ^ b
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1

Other Bitwise Operators

Symbols Operators
(&) Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR
^ Bitwise XOR
~ Bitwise complement
(<<) Shift left
(>>) Shift right

#include <stdio.h>
  int main()

     int a,b;
     a = 2;
     b = 3;
     printf("a || b = %d\n", a&b);

Here the output is: 2

05)Assignment operators

Operators Description
= Assigns values from right side operands to left side operand
+= It adds the right operand to the left operand and assign the result to the left operand.
-= It subtracts the right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
*= It multiplies the right operand with the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
/= It divides the left operand with the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

#include <stdio.h>
  int main()

int a,b;
    int a = 0;
int b = 1;

Here the output is:

Equal to (=) is the assignment operator here, assigning 0 to a and 1 to b.

C Format Specifiers and Escape Sequences With Examples

Format Specifiers

The format specifier in C programming is used for input and output purposes. Through this, we tell the compiler what type of variable we are using for input using scanf() or printing using printf(). Some examples are %d, %c, %f, etc.

The %c and %d used in the printf( ) are called format specifiers. Format specifier tells printf( ) to print the value, for %c, a character will printed, and for %d, a decimal will be printed.Here is a list of format specifiers.

Format Specifier Type
%c Used to print the character
%d Used to print the signed integer
%f Used to print the float values
%i Used to print the unsigned integer
%l Used to long integer
%if Used to print the double integer
%lu Used to print the unsigned int or unsigned long integer
%s Used to print the String
%u Used to print the unsigned integer

Following are the few examples of format specifier:

`star`To print the integer value:

printf("\n The value of integer is %d", d);

`star`To print the float value:

printf("\n The value of float is %f", f);

`star`To print the character:

printf("\n The value of character is %c", c);

`star` To print the string:

printf("\n The value of string is %s", s);

What is Escape Sequence in C?

Many programming languages supports the concept of Escape Sequence. An escape sequence is a sequence of characters which are used in formatting the output. They are not displayed on the screen while printing. Each character has its own specific function like \t is used to insert a tab and \n is used to add newline.

Types of Escape Sequence in C

Escape Sequence Description
\t Inserts a tab
\b Inserts a backspace
\n Inserts a newline
\r Inserts a carriage return.
\f Inserts a form feed
\' Inserts a single quote character
\'' Inserts a double quote character
\\ Inserts a backslash character

Following are the some examples of escape sequence:

`star`Print character backslash(\) using printf function

printf("\n C programming \m/ ");

`star`Prints a newline before and after the text

printf("\n This is my C program\n"); ·

`star`Use \" to print double quote and \' for single quote

printf("\n Welcome to \"The C Programming \"");

printf("\n Welcome to \'C programming \'");

`star`To provide tab space between two words

printf("Hello \t Viewers"); 

`star`To add vertical tab character

printf("Hello Viewers");

printf("\v Welcome to C Programming");

Code as described/written in the Escape Sequence

#include <stdio.h>
  #define PI 3.14
    int main()
        int a = 8;
        const float b = 7.333;
        // PI = 7.33; //cannot do this since PI is a constant
        printf(" tab character \t\t my backslash  %f", PI);
        // b = 7.22; //cannot do this since b is a constant
        // printf("The value of a is %d and the value of b is %2.4f\n", a, b);
        // printf("%18.4f this",b);
        return 0;